Monday, August 4, 2008

Cheer Camp

I just got back from cheer camp which was actually pretty fun.The first day we wore tank tops and we didn't even think that we would need a lot of sunscreen, but we all got so burned the first day that it's not even funny. I got a horrible sunburn on my shoulders and neck. It hurt so bad to move my arms all the different ways that cheerleaders have to move them.
Changing subjects, we were really spirited and we were really great with everything we did. When we put our minds to something, we succeeded which was so awesome. I was moved up to the JV team with all of my freshman team which was pretty exciting! And then the very last day we had Camp Champs which is where each team would perform a dance and a cheer and you could possibly win trophies. So, JV placed 2nd in three events and Varsity won three trophies. Then, we won a plaque for the Traditions Award. WE ALSO WON THE TOP BANANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (the Top Banana is a blow up banana that is given to the best team there) Woohoo!!!! I gotta get going, but I just wanted to tell you the good news. So, I guess I had better get going.
PS. This is the whole Boulder Creek cheer squad, JV and Varsity!!!!!!!! This was on sports day so we had on our own football jerseys. Try to find me!!!!


rAcHeL said...

FOUND YA! it was so easi! you are the second row from the top and the fourth one from the left! easipeesi!

thats good that u did so well! and i love that pic of you and baby william!

Becky Levesque said... are you???? cheer camp sounds like fun.