Friday, July 18, 2008


Hey guys. I have been really busy lately and it's totally crazy that I haven't seen most of you in a few weeks! As you all know, I have been extremely involved in high school cheer. We have practice Monday-Friday from 5:45-8 in the morning, and I am not a morning person. I am still getting used to getting up so early but it will all pay off. We have been having some really intense practices. It's like nonstop. We learned a really hard, fast dance for cheer camp that we are going to in Flagstaff in a few weeks. And since we learned it, we have gone through the whole dance really fast over and over again. It's totally crazy but it's fun.
I also have tumbling classes that I have to go to every Wednesday right after cheer. We do a lot of conditioning and warming up before we actually do everything. But I am working on a backhandspring and I am hoping that I will have it down by the end of the summer. We also worked on stunting and I'm a base, which is really easy for me because I have had experience being a base.
I guess I had better go, but I just wanted to tell you guys how cheer was going and everything. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, this is a picture of me in my new uniform. I love it! It's so cute and it looks really good on everybody. Well, talk to you guys later! Love ya!!!!!!

1 comment:

rAcHeL said...

i love that pic of you! lol hehe so how are u 2day? i know ur good! =)