Monday, August 11, 2008

First Day of High School

I had my very first day of high school today. It wasn't what I expected at all. I had every class with at least one person I knew from junior high which was good. All of my teachers are pretty nice so that's probably a good thing too. I have Spanish with one of my really good friends from cheer so that class was pretty fun today. I also really enjoyed guitar. I wore all American Eagle today. It was jeans, a dark blue polo, and a pink tank top underneath and I felt like a prep in guitar class. It was kinda funny though. Everyone had something that had black in it and I was the only one wearing American Eagle. I have Algebra 1-2 as my last period and I kinda got a little lost. I went down the wrong hall way so I was a little late to class. It was all good though because there were a few other people that were lost too and I came into math with a little group of people. That was always good because then I didn't look like I got lost. Hahaha. Well, I gotta go but I just wanted to tell you guys a little bit about my first day of high school!

1 comment:

rAcHeL said...

hey u!

glad to hear that ur first day was good! thats how i was too...but i didn't get lost becasue like our classrooms are really close together! but i relaly have to get off and go do hwk,....UGH!

o and btw check out my "who is ur favorite jonas brother" voting thing...on my blog

just saying. :) jkjk