Saturday, March 22, 2008
Back from Cali!!!
Ok, so I didn't really want to post on here...idk why so don't ask...but I thought I might as well tell you guys that I am still alive. So, I went to Disneyland and had a bunch of fun. And I also went to California Adventure and had a lot of fun there too! But I got a lot of pix of me and some characters. It was really cool. The only person that I didn't get that I really wanted to was Peter Pan. I saw him walking around like, 3 years ago and I figured he walked around like every other character...but he doesn't...and I was pretty upset! But, anyways, so we were supposed to go home on Friday night but my dad surprised my whole family and got us a room at the Hilton Beachside Hotel. So, we were on the 9th floor and we had a perfect view of the ocean on one side, and on the other side you could see all these city lights and it was totally beautiful!!! (Rachel, you already know about this 'cuz I called you!) But anyways, we stayed the night there and my parents couldn't get me out of bed the next morning because the bed, pillows, and comforter were so comfy! So yeah...but if you look to the left, then you can see that I changed my profile pic!!!!!!! I love those sunglasses!, I guess I will talk to you guys later!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Stellar Kart!!!

Ok. Here are all of the members of Stellar Kart! I think they are all totally amazing and I am just in love with them. I think they are all very cute but my biggest crush (out of these four!!) is definitely Brian. He's the one on the bottom left. I think he is really cute and he is such a great guitarist!!! I happen to love all these guys a lot. And their songs are just totally fabulous. I mean, they always have a different message!!
(from top to bottom: Adam, Cody, Brian, and Jordan!!!)
Sunday, March 9, 2008
My friend was saved!!!!
Hey, remember my friend, Holly, that I was witnessing to at school? Well, it was so awesome because we were talking at school and she told me that she wanted to accept Christ into her heart for real. So, on the field at school, we prayed together and she gave her life to God. I have already seen some changes in her. Please keep her in your prayers as she continues to grow in her faith. How awesome is that?
Monday, March 3, 2008
Dare 2 Share: Survive
Oh my goodness. This conference was so life changing!!! Just like Rachel, I am going to have a long post but I want people to read this and comment on it. I may even go through some of the same things that Rachel went over. So, this conference was so life changing. It made me think of what I was doing wrong in my life. I also realized that I was messing around with Christianity and I am ready to take it seriously and not mess around with it anymore. I want people to see me and know that I live my life for God and that my life is way better than the non-believers who are just messing up their lives time and time again. All of the people who would comment on here know what I am talking about, so I don't think I really have to explain everything. (Rachel, Andrew, and Jacova!!) Well, anyways, they did this skit for us that was talking about the persecution of Christians. And, I was thinking, man, I really hope this doesn't happen, but if it does happen for some reason, then I am going to die for my Jesus. He died for everyone's sins and if I have to choose whether I die because of something I believed in or live and deny Jesus, then I am so going to choose dying for Jesus. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life and I am so grateful for everything He has done for me. I mean, my life would be a total wreck without him. Also, when Greg picked Tim to talk to in front of everyone that was just amazing. It was at that moment that I realized that Tim loves us more than anybody realized. He just wants what is best for us and he wants us to live a healthy, Christian life. And when he prayed over our whole youth, was that awesome! At this conference, I just coudn't stop listening to Greg, Derwin, and Zane. It's like no matter how hard I tried (which I didn't try) I just couldn't pull away from what they were saying to me. It was so not like school where I have to struggle just to listen to the lecture that my teachers give us. But I also wanted to start praising God in every little thing I do. With my homework, schoolwork, chores, and just with everything else in my life. I figured out that I just want Him to be really proud of me and that I never want to let Him down again. I mean, I am just a person and I am not perfect and I know that I am going to mess up again and again in my life. But I also know that whenever I fail, I am going to get back up on my feet and try again. But today when I was at school, I found myself praying all day. I mean, I would pray that God would help me pay close attention in school, and that I could make it through the day without being mean to anyone and wow, He really helped me out. I mean, I felt like I could take on the world's highest mountain today. It was incredible at how much he helped me. And, I have said many times that I am really scared to go to high school. But when Lincoln Brewster introduced that song to us, I really took the part that said, "I WON'T WORRY 'BOUT TOMORROW, I'M TRUSTING IN WHAT YOU SAY" to heart. I am going to live by that and try to live the way that God wants me to live. I am so in love with God!!
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